Five Reasons Customers Buy New Viking Sportfish

August 20, 2018

Buying any kind of boat is a very personal choice, and that's especially true when it comes to sportfishing yachts. Whether you're a seasoned buyer looking to purchase your dream vessel that has every sportfishing amenity and technology you know you need after years of hard-earned lessons; or you're a first-time sportfish yacht buyer, perhaps upgrading from a center console, and are just looking to get out on the water in your new toy and learn along the way, one thing's for sure-the brand name on your new vessel will most likely bare that of the undisputed leader of sportfishing yachts-Viking Yachts.

Of the approximately 100 sportfishing yachts built worldwide yearly, Viking is responsible for about 75% of those.

When it comes to selling those beauties, HMY is the undisputed leader, listing and selling more Viking Yachts and custom sportfish than any other firm. HMY has sold Vikings for over 25 years; in 2017, HMY sold over 20 new Viking sportfishing yachts.

The New Yachts Viking 44' Open

In this two-part series, Brian Komer-one of HMY's Viking Yachts Product Team's sales professionals, and a man with intimate knowledge of Viking sportfishing yachts-looks at reasons owners choose to buy new or pre-owned. Brian, also a captain, has fished numerous tournaments at the helm of a Viking yacht. In fact, he spent seven years with Viking, including in their demo program as a Viking demo captain, where he was responsible for conducting vessel deliveries and sea trials and walk-throughs for potential customers. Brian quickly became the go-to guy for any questions about Vikings. ("It was not uncommon for my phone to ring at 10 p.m. with a problem needing a solution," Brian recalls.)



"You can build your own; it's completely yours," says Brian. When going this hands-on route, buyers get to sit down with the sales and design teams and go through whole process. Approximately 90 percent of a Viking is manufactured in house, allowing a buyer to build exactly what they want, in the size that fits them best, meaning all the extra features are built in as opposed to added on.


Everything is covered for at least one year, including the one year, bumper-to-bumper warranty. And their support is substantial; all Viking owners are afforded the exclusive use of the Viking Service Center and the Viking International Yacht Center in Riviera Beach, Florida. Viking is the only boat manufacturer offering a factory trained staff at satellite locations.

The New Viking Yachts 72' Convertible - In-Stock


"Viking's technology surpasses all other companies," proclaims Brian. "Due to the high volume of high quality boats they produce, they're always improving and staying on the cutting edge of producing a boat with new technology."

Stock Boats

HMY has been a certified member of the Viking Dealer Network since 1992. This allows them to purchase new, stock Vikings so they're ready for quick purchase. Buyers can come in and take as is or add features to their specs.

The New Viking Yachts 37' Billfish - In-Stock

Investment for Eventual Upgrade

Per Brian, buying a smaller Viking sportfishing yacht to eventually work your way up to a larger model applies to both new and pre-owned purchases. One trend he's noticed is as the younger owners of the larger center consoles-the Jupiters, Everglades, etc.-get older, they want more comfort (such as staterooms, heads, and galleys) and will transition to something such as a 37' Viking Billfish, and work their way up from there.

Stay tuned for Part 2: Five Reasons Customers Buy Pre-owned.

Five Reasons Customers Buy New Viking Sportfish

Article by

HMY Contributor