South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series

April 13, 2016

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HMY Yacht Sales is proud to be one of the major sponsors of the 28th Annual South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series. The series is comprised of five tournaments taking place between the months of May and July 2016.

2016 Series Schedule

May 11 – 14: Carolina Billfish Classic

May 25 – 28: 49th Annual Georgetown Blue Marlin Tournament

June 1 – 4: Bohicket Marina Invitational Billfish Tournament

June 29 – July 2: MEGADOCK Billfishing Tournament

July 20 – 23: Edisto Invitational Billfish Tournament

For more information about this series, please click here.

Not only does the South Carolina Governor's Cup provide anglers with ample opportunity to have fun fishing, but it also allows for a positive impact to be made in the world of recreational fishing. The series places an emphasis on tag and release format which has helped flip South Carolina's billfishing statistics from 90 percent mortality to 90 percent released. Infact, years ago this cup was instrumental in the passage of a law banning the sale of billfish Tag recoveries from series-tagged billfish are playing a postive role in research efforts. For instance South Carolina tagged marlin, recaptured off Brazil after traveling 4,320 nautical miles, provided the first known evidence of a billfish's trans-equatorial crossing.

The S.C. Governor's Cup Billfishing Series is an official program of the S.C. Dept. of Natural Resources in cooperation with the S.C. Dept. of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, and the Harry R.E. Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund.

For more information about this series, please click here.

South Carolina Governor's Cup Billfishing Series

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