How The Viking Yacht Company Balances Propellers

When the Viking Yacht Company builds a boat, every step is meticulously thought out and executed with purpose in order to build the best boat in the world. This methodology and attention to detail is found in every department and every stage throughout the Viking boat building process. Watch their video to see the rigorous procedures they hold themselves to when it comes to propeller balancing.

How We Do It: Propeller Balancing from Viking Yachts on Vimeo.

The premier propeller supplier for the Viking Yacht Company is Veem Limited based in Australlia. They provide Viking with some of the best quality propellers in the industry ensuring added value to the vessel and delivering smooth, fast and trouble free operation the first time, every time. During the build of any Viking Yacht its important to balance the propller before installing and Viking takes rigorous steps to ensure the props are properly balanced and functioning. A ballanced propeller is critical to a boat's driveline efficiency and overall performance. The average weight of one propeller for a Viking 66 is 225 pounds so its no small job to adequately check these vital componenets.

Viking certifies every propeller with a Hale MRI device using proprietary software. There are four different tolerance classifications a propeller could receieve 3 - Wide, 2 - Medium, 1 - High, S - Very High. All propellers must meet the highest level with a class S tolerance. During the careful inspection, blade tracking and diameter are checked to make sure all tips and edges follow the same path. Each blade face is measured for consistency of pitch profile at 4 radii on each blade at various points. Interceptor strips are inserted into grooves to create pressure wedges. The effect produced is similar to a "cup" on the trailing edge. Propellers are spun up to 300 rpm to ensure proper weight balance as it rotates with the shaft. After a successful evaluation and balencing, propllers are instaled using the propsmith tool and then sea trialed and tested.

The meticulous process by which a propeller is balanced at Viking Yachts is just another example of the unwavering dedication The Viking Yacht Company has to building a better boat every day.

How The Viking Yacht Company Balances Propellers

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