Bahamas Entry Requirements For Boaters

Bahamas Entry Requirements For Boaters

UPDATE as of July 20, 2020:

Private aviation and pleasure craft and yachts are still permitted to enter and depart The Bahamas (except Grand Bahama). International commercial flights will NOT be permitted to enter, except for flights from the UK, European Union and Canada, effective midnight Wednesday 22 July. Bahamas air to cease outgoing flights to the US, effective immediately.

Outgoing commercial vessels and flights still allowed to depart The Bahamas, except Grand Bahama.

On GRAND BAHAMA: No international or domestic flights or sea vessels in or out of the island, except for emergency and essential purposes; restaurant indoor dining prohibited (outdoor dining, curbside, takeaway and delivery allowed). New curfew, 7pm to 5am; the 10pm to 5am curfew remains on all other islands. All beaches and bars closed.

On NEW PROVIDENCE: Beaches and parks closed. Domestic travel still permitted with a Health Visa, except for Grand Bahama.


June 14th, 2020:

One of the many benefits of being a boat or yacht owner in Florida is the close proximity to The Bahamas. Crossing over to one of these idyllic islands on your motor yacht, sportfish or outboard boat makes for an exciting, care-free summer vacation full of incredible fishing and cruising in crystal clear waters. This year however, things are a bit different as the world cautiously reopens in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. If you had been looking forward to an escape to the Bahamas after months of quarantine, the good news is you can still move forward with those plans. Borders will be opened as of June 15th but there are a few things to be aware of before making your journey. We have conveniently outlined the procedures currently required by the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas for boaters entering the country. It is important to note there are NO quarantine requirements for travel commencing June 15th.

Harbour Island Bahamas

Boater Pre-Travel Requirements:

Boaters Requirements once in The Bahamas:

  • On arrival (having cleared at local ports of

    entry), anyone disembarking at a marina will be subject to any other screening

    mandated by Ministry of Health, such as taking of temperature.
  • While clearing Customs & Immigration, crewand passengers are required to wear a mask, covering the nose and mouth.
  • Do not shake used or unused clothing, sheets, orcloth items on the docks or anywhere in the marina.
  • No rafting of vessels.
  • Fish cleaning stations limited to one person ata time.

Marina Facilities:

  • Hand sanitizing dispensers will be placed inrestrooms and at an easily accessible location in the office area.
  • Frequently touched surfaces (e.g. doorknobs,

    handles, etc.) in offices and common areas will be wiped with a disinfecting

    agent at the start of the workday and in the afternoon.
  • Main office doors will be kept locked andmanaged to admit only those wearing masks and gloves.
  • Amenities like gym and exercise rooms, dining

    areas, laundry rooms, pool areas and other facilities must operate under strict

    observance of the Government’s guidelines for publicly occupied spaces.
  • Provisioning – each marina will provide boaterswith list of stores and restaurants that will deliver to the marina.

Marina Personnel:

  • All marina personnel will wear masks, coveringthe mouth and nose.
  • Marina personnel will be tested fortnightly atan approved health facility.
  • Fuel Attendants will wear masks and gloves and

    may hand customers the fuel dispenser nozzle but should remain ashore.

    Customers are to remain onboard the vessel.
  • Office personnel will always wear masks andobserve regular hand washing regimen.
  • Staff will maintain at least two metres /sixfeet distance between each other and guests.
  • Staff will isolate anyone who is coughing orsneezing until appropriate tests can be performed.

Please note: no international commercial flights will be

available until July 1, 2020. Private

aviation is permitted starting June 15, 2020.

Requirements are part of Tourism

Readiness & Recovery Plan from the Government of The Commonwealth of

The Bahamas

Bahamas Entry Requirements For Boaters

Article by

HMY Contributor