A real head-turner with what many consider the sexiest lines on the water, the 37 Open is fast, powerful and remarkably efficient. The 37 Open and its cuddy version, the 37 Cabin, have been popular models for several years. Midnight Express considers each boat to be a semi-custom project with almost unlimited options. Owners can choose a three-person helm seat with an aft-facing seat or a summer kitchen, and removable or fixed seating in both the aft and forward sections of the boat. The T-top is powder-coated with all bolts hidden to prevent corrosion. Forward, the U-lounge seat has a table that raises and lowers electrically to convert to an oversized sun lounge. Popular options include a hullside dive door, bow thruster, a walk-in console head compartment with shower and standing headroom, two or three livewells, windlass, and custom hull colors. Construction is state of the art with vinylester resins, Nida-Core polypropylene coring, and vacuum-bagged lay-up. Built on a slender twin-stepped hull, triple 300 Verado outboards power the 37 Open to a top speed in excess of 50 knots. Note the builder can configure the 37 with quads upon request.