Ocean Reef Cup

Jan 23-27

Ocean Reef Cup

The 33rd Annual Ocean Reef Cup is right around the corner and it will once again bring four days of hard fought competition, along with unrivaled Ocean Reef Club camaraderie, back to the waters surrounding the beautiful Ocean Reef Resort in Key Largo. The Ocean Reef Cup is also a tournament qualifier for the ORC Sailfish Champions of the year and a chance to fish in the Offshore World Championship (OWC) in Costa Rica. A fleet of 60 vessels is expected to participate in the 2018 Ocean Reef Cup. To find out about getting involved contact Ocean Reef Member Events at 305-367-5874.

In 2017, HMY Yacht Sales was at the Ocean Reef Yacht Club and Resort in Key Largo, Florida to cover all the action and excitement at this year's 32nd Annual Ocean Reef Cup. The four-day sailfish tournament attracted boats from all over Florida and the 2017 turn out was strong with 63 teams participating, most of which were fishing on board Viking yachts. There were plenty of fish caught during the tournament including a whopping grand total of 157 sailfish releases. The HMY video team was invited to join the anglers on "Freebie", a 64' Viking Yachts Convertible owned by HMY clients Jody and Steve Lewis, along with HMY Sales Professionals Jeff Creary and Alexie Creary. The collaboration resulted in footage of some incredible moments during the legendary Ocean Reef Cup.

Stay tuned for Ocean Reef Cup 2018 schedule of events